23 June 2010

Waiting On Tables


"Choose seven men from among you who are known to be filled with the Spirit and wisdom. We will turn this responsibility over to them...." —Acts 6:3

Bible Reading

ACTS 6:1-7


Since the Christian community is united in heart and mind, it shares its possessions. That's how it started. Times may change, but the norm remains.

The members of a congregation must always have a common confession and a united song because they are one in heart and mind. And they must always have their offering plates, budget envelopes, money drives, and all the rest, for their attitudes toward possessions have been sanctified by the Spirit of God.

In the earliest Christian church, the one in Jerusalem, the resources of the congregation were pooled and "daily distributions" were made. The seven men who were appointed to "wait on tables" had to see to it that nobody was forgotten. Even if only one was in need, all would be at fault.

Situations have changed considerably. Some things have changed for the better. The position of widows, for instance, has vastly improved. It's true that they still deserve special attention because they receive the Lord's special concern, but they aren't as dependent anymore as they used to be. Other things have not changed for the better. Some Christians have too much and give too little.

The basic principles that governed the earliest church must be upheld today. By the ministry of the Word, the doors of the kingdom are opened. By the ministry of prayer, the power of God's grace is released. And through the distribution of tangible goods, grace flows between Christian people.

This last part of the threefold ministry is as essential as the first two. Offerings must be received, carefully administered, and properly distributed.

The congregation must always see to it that people who are "full of the Spirit and wisdom" are busy making sure that the flow of grace among God's people is not blocked.


Review some of the ways your congregation uses its offerings to benefit others.


At my church, the congregation offerings go to help the pastor and the facilitating of the ministry at church. It also goes to help missionaries in different countries, church plants the like. They also offer help to the members of the church if they are in need. The flow of grace is continual through the giving's of the church. Its so important to do these things, as God has instituted these roles for us to fill. Let us be open and willing to give and to not be blockers of the flow of Grace.

I want to apologize for the small updates on here. Not excusing myself, but I've been very tired and have had very little energy as of late. I think I'm just a bit overwhelmed at work so if you could pray for me, I'd love to write more about what I think and have the energy to devote a good amount of time to this. Much Love to you all. Grace&Peace, to you!

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