10 June 2010

The Grace of Giving


" 'Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.' " —Matthew 6:4

Bible Reading



Giving money has always been an essential part of the practice of piety. We must not only do it, we must do it rightly.

Our Lord emphasized secrecy when we give money. It is an act of worship. It must be done because we love God. But if this act of godliness is observed and praised by people, the action ends where it started—on earth, before people. It never reaches God. "You did it to be seen by people? Well, people are saying that you're terrific. So you have your reward."

When we give it, it must be unseen by others and unrecorded by our selves. That line about the left hand not knowing what the right hand is doing means that we should keep no record of our good deeds. Some people therefore conclude that you may not use your gifts as income tax deductions. That's nonsense. The Lord's point is that we may not attempt to figure out the credit points we gained with him because of what we have given. If we remember our good works too well, we are living by works and not by grace. Some people will spend fifty dollars in a restaurant without giving it a second thought. But if, in a moment of emotion, they give that amount to charity, they feel righteous for weeks. We must give our money because we love God. Then we should not make too much of it, nor should we think much about it.

God is not only the origin of the grace of giving but also the end. The grace that flows from God and through us returns to him in the form of dollars. That's the beauty of giving when it is done rightly.

Money given is not money wasted. "Your Father will reward you." But this will happen only when the money is given in the right way. The art of giving is difficult. The giver has numerous opportunities to "steal the show." If that happens, the giver loses the prize. Our gifts must be flowers of grace presented to God.


What can you apply to your own giving from this Scripture and reading?


I'm not going to write much about this, as again, the devotion spells all the points out perfectly. We are, in our natural states, prideful, insecure and greedy people. Until we are shown how truly depraved we are, we seek the attention of others, we want to do good things for selfish reasons. But then when God grants us faith to trust in Christ and be saved from all our iniquities, then our desires to do things, like give money, will be for the Glory of God in the highest! But don't let me fool you - our old self has a way of pushing its nose into our business and when I say we are saved, that doesn't mean that we're instantly different in all ways, shape and form. I mean that the threat of going to hell and spending eternity away from our Savior is no longer an option for us.

When it comes to giving money, we need to make sure we do it to help further God's kingdom, because God asked us to, and because we will be helping those in need. Our desire to do these things should not be to be in the light but to bless the Lord and give to His people and those that are in need. We are called to feed and help the orphans and widows, to help the homeless and the lost. When you give to your church, you are making the opportunity for those things to happen. You're also providing stability for where you meet for church and helping your pastor make a living. In many cases, ministry is not a very high paying salary and a lot of pastors that I know have to work while also being a pastor or at least have to do some odd jobs to help make ends meet. Especially in this economy.

For me, I need to be more diligent in giving for tithes. I need to remember that when I'm going out to eat with Bud or other activities - will we have a good portion to give to the church, to God. I need to remember to do these things. Bud and I both do. We give when we have cash in our pockets but sadly we should be writing out a check each week. Now I'm convicted and will be talking to Bud about this very thing! Praise God. Let me encourage you to give to the church that you attend (for most of you, its Crossweave) so that the Pastor and His family, that the ministries involved there, will be able to grow and bless those in your immediate community and in some cases, even internationally! Also, let me encourage you to give with a pure heart and intentions. God will bless what you give and multiply it! I've seen it happen! Praise God!

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