18 June 2010

Fighting Blocks Grace


"Live considerately with your wives ... since you are joint heirs of the grace of life, in order that your prayers may not be hindered." —1 Peter3:7, RSV

Bible Reading

1 PETER 3:7-12


First Peter spoke about husbands who were not converted when their wives became Christians (3:1). But here is a much happier situation. In this case both husband and wife are heirs of God's promises. They are both Christians. And since they are joined in marriage, he calls them "joint heirs of the grace of life."

"Live considerately with your wives." Perhaps it was the rude back ground of these recent converts that made the warning necessary. Peter means that husbands must show tenderness and understanding. Peter himself was married.

Joint heirs have joint prayers. Biblically speaking, it is unthinkable that two Christians who are married to each other should not pray together. Yet every now and then I meet an older Christian couple who have not learned to pray together. And now they find it too awkward to get started. But they must do it! It's not yet too late to bring in some of the treasures they almost missed.

However, when the tender harmony of a married couple is broken, the prayers are "hindered" or "blocked."

The apostle could have mentioned other bad results of marital disrespect. Marital troubles have a host of bad consequences. But he mentions the worst: it will block the flow of grace.

Notice carefully what Peter is saying. He does not make the comment you probably have often heard: "If you have problems, you should pray together." He says: "Don't cause problems; otherwise you cannot pray together."

The Bible does not regard prayer as a last resort for human beings, an effort to get done with God's help what they could not manage on their own. Prayer is the door through which we receive God's grace. And without grace we simply have no life.

Therefore, husbands and wives must live in such a way that they can always pray together.


What do you think of the perspective this reading gives to marital troubles? How does the reading relate to your own prayer life? Do the principles discussed in this reading apply to other relationships as well as marriage?


I have never once thought about prayer in a marriage this way. Granted, I've always known that it is absolutely essential to pray together and to spend time together in Holy Communion with the Father. However and sadly, the thought that praying together allows the flow of grace to continually enter our lives as "joint heirs" did not cross my mind. Its more than that. "Don't cause problems; otherwise you can't pray together."

It is essential as I said but not just because we can't fulfill things on our own will, but because we will be blocking grace if we do not pray. The problems we cause will block our ability to have some of the most intimate and rewarding times together. As a woman who has been married for only 3 years, while I don't know everything, I do know that not praying together as a discipline within ones marriage is detrimental to the relationship. When you don't already pray together, it doesn't make it easy to just pray about praying together. While grace is free, in this regard, it requires action to be fully shown.

Bud and I pray together, but to be honest, not nearly as much as we should. We really struggle in this area and could use your prayers to help us to not hinder and block the flow of grace within our lives together. I hope that we will not become the old couple that finds it too awkward to pray with one another!

I think these points relate very well within the body of Christ as well. The relationships we have with one another, the church, Christ's body, should be one that prays together and for one another. While we just read recently about going in private to pray and seek the Lord, this is one of those circumstances where it is appropriate for communal prayer. When we are in proper relations with one another, lifting up one another, exhorting and baring one another's burdens, we will not be blocking grace from within Christ's body. We should remember this when we're in contact with fellow believers and when we have any sort of discord with one of our brothers or sisters. When we are not praying with one another we will block grace and cause problems to where we will not be able to pray. I hope we can remember this as we continue to grow with one another. Grace&Peace.

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