09 June 2010

Knowing The Lord


"Eli's sons were scoundrels; they had no regard for [did not know] the LORD." —1 Samuel 2:12

"Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God." —1 John 4:7

Bible Reading

1 SAMUEL 2:12-17


The sons of Eli were scoundrels, "worthless men" (RSV). Usually it is said that they were so ill-behaved and godless because their father was too soft. It is true that Eli was not strict enough (1 Sam. 3:13), but that does not yet explain why his sons were godless. No doubt Samuel was a much better disciplinarian, but Samuel's sons did not walk in the ways of the Lord either (1 Sam. 8:3).

The sons of Eli did not know the Lord. Our TNIV text and other translations say "they had no regard for the Lord." That's just what "not knowing the Lord" means, of course. But the Bible could simply say of a person who steals from God's offerings and commits deeds of immorality in God's house: "He does not know the Lord."

These two young men had been exposed to religious instruction. They were the sons of the high priest! If they were living in our days, we would say that they had gone to Sunday school and Bible class and church services. But they did not know the Lord.

Here we feel our inability to teach anyone the knowledge of the Lord, for "knowing the Lord" is a personal thing. If we don't have a personal relationship with God, we cannot know him.

Knowing the Bible is a condition for knowing the Lord. And ignorance of God is most commonly related to lack of Bible knowledge. But it is conceivable that someone could memorize the Bible without knowing the Lord.

"Everyone who loves ... knows God." This does not mean that "a lover" or "a warm personality" or anyone like that has the true knowledge of God. What the text means is that the life and love of God flows through his children. We know God only when we have experienced his love. And when we have experienced God's love, we ourselves are able to love.

When we give evidence of Christian love in our own lives, we know God.


How can others tell that you "know the Lord"?


I'm glad the distinction between a "lover" and one "that the life and love of God flows through" was made. There are many people in this world who have love, love others and are genuinely nice, courteous people. That does not automatically sign them up for God's team. There are a lot of people who do good works - give to the poor, donate blood, help little old women out to the car with their groceries. That does not mean they are a part of the body of Christ. The evidence of Christian love will be in those who possess it. Their love, their good deeds, their desires for good will be from the working of God in their life. Its different because their purpose behind all of it will be to please and glorify God.

Its like I was explaining a few days ago. A nonbeliever can love and can experience love, even without having Christ in their lives. But the love that they experience is a surface love, its not as deep, intimate and personal as the love a Christian possesses, feels and gives. As a believer, our hearts have been made to yearn for the things of the Lord. To love those that He loves and to care for those He cares about. Like we spoke about yesterday, loving someone even though its difficult. Thats something that God ordains and gives us the ability to do. As a Christian, we are loved with an unending love from the Father. We can then show that love to those around us, being that window to the world. These are things that nonbelievers do not have the option of as they are serving themselves and in the long run, seeking to please themselves. I don't mean to make it sound as if those who are not of the Body of Christ are miserable, selfish people - but in fact they are. But so were we... so are we. The only difference is that God brought us to the realization that we are miserable and selfish people. He showed us Grace, He showed us mercy and provided us with a Savior who brought us Salvation and leaves us with a helper until His return! Amen!

I think there are a few things that make it apparent that I know the Lord. A few examples: doing this blog because I want to grow in the Lord and lead others to grow in the wisdom and knowledge of the Lord too. I have a huge capacity to love and forgive, even when I've been wounded and walked on. My desire for long term goals is to help the widows and the orphans for the mere fact that God called us to do so. When I sing, I know that the only reason I have a voice is because God blessed me with it and I get seriously bummed out when I'm not able to put my gift to use as I should. These things I'm naming are just examples and all of them are all for and to the glory of God.

I don't do them for my glory - Lord knows I'm a mess and any spotlights on me are in the wrong place! I'm so far from perfect. I have knowledge of the Word of God but unfortunately, I don't know my Bible as well as I should. Its something I need to work on. What about you? Talk to me! Love you all. Grace&Peace.

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