"He proclaimed the kingdom of God and taught about the Lord Jesus Christ—with all boldness and without hindrance!" —Acts 28:31
Bible Reading
ACTS 28:17-24
From Jerusalem to Rome—that's the story of the book of Acts. It begins in Jerusalem, where the flame was lit. At the end of the book, the fire is spreading through the capital of the empire.
The last few lines of the book give us the information that Paul lived for two whole years in the city of Rome at his own expense. But these closing lines have a message that goes beyond this information.
First, the content of the message is restated here. The message concerns the "kingdom of God." This was originally a Jewish hope. The oppressed looked forward to the coming of the Lord to overthrow the foreign rulers and establish the righteousness of his kingdom on earth. The hope for that kingdom was kept alive by the prophets in the darkest hours of Israel's history. Now Paul preaches that kingdom as having come in Jesus.
That's why the phrase proclaiming the kingdom is joined with teaching about the Lord Jesus Christ. The kingdom is no longer a vague and future hope. The kingdom is opened and can be entered by believing in Jesus, who is the Messiah and the Lord. By believing in him we enter it.
Preaching the kingdom and teaching about Jesus are not two unrelated topics on the church's agenda—as if you have to go to a prophecy conference to hear about the kingdom and to a revival meeting to learn of Jesus. The kingdom is proclaimed when Jesus is presented. And when Christ is presented, the kingdom is opened.
Second, the last lines of Acts tell us about the triumph of the Word of God. Paul preached and taught "with all boldness and without hindrance." What a closing note of victory! The Word goes on. It conquers the world for the kingdom.
The greatest thing happening today is the coming of God's kingdom and the teaching about the Lord Jesus Christ.
Use the Heidelberg Catechism's explanation of what we mean when we pray your kingdom come (Answer 123) as your prayer today: "Rule us by your Word and Spirit in such a way that more and more we submit to you. Keep your church strong, and add to it. Destroy the devil's work; destroy every force which revolts against you and every conspiracy against your Word. Do this until your kingdom is so complete and perfect, that in it you are all in all."
What do you think of this? I need to read it a few more times I think. Grace&Peace.
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