28 June 2010

Supplied and Supplying


" 'Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them.' " —John 7:38

Bible Reading

JOHN 7:37-39


This is the promise of Jesus and the experience of thousands: thirst is satisfied when you believe in Jesus.

All of us are born thirsty. And all of us go through life trying to satisfy our thirst. Some try to satisfy their thirst by vulgar means, while others try more refined and cultural means. People try money and what it can buy, power and what it will yield, and sexual satisfaction in many forms.

But there is no thing and no person in this world that can fill the vacuum and quench the thirst. The longed-for possession does not supply what it was expected to give. A man cannot give it to a woman, and a wife cannot satisfy her husband's deepest desire. We were created for God. Only in God can we find what we seek—what all of us seek.

Jesus has come into our world to bring us the water of life. Pagans dreamed of such a man. The thirst is universal; everybody dreams of fulfillment, which is always beyond our horizon. The Jewish people were hoping for such a liberator who would fulfill the longing of the ages. Jesus has come to bring us the water of life.

Drinking what Jesus offers means believing what he claims to be. That's the humble act by which we bow down and drink the water.

Then we find that he not only satisfies our thirst but also gives us life within ourselves. Where there was first a vacuum we receive a power. The Bible calls it "living water from within." It means that those who came to Jesus to have their own thirst quenched are now able to offer the living water to others. The objects of God's grace become his vehicles of grace.

The grace, or the life, or the Spirit of God, quenches our deepest thirst. Only it—only God—can enter deeply within us and turn our thirst into a fountain. Then God works through us and extends the cup to thou sands who are dying.


What is your "deepest thirst"? How can God satisfy it? Has he satisfied it?


I am using this as a place holder. I will fill in my thoughts on this blog tomorrow. In the mean time, if you want to talk about it, feel free to start up some conversation - those of you who read this. Grace&Peace.

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