"Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God's grace in its various forms." —1 Peter 4:10
Bible Reading
1 PETER 4:7-11
A steward, in Bible times, was someone to whom the master had entrusted the care of his household and business. Often the steward was appointed because the master had to be away for an extended period of time. But even when the master was around, he might appoint a trusted slave as a steward. The steward was in charge of the supplies. He had to feed the household from his master's stores. Joseph had that kind of job in the house of Potiphar (Gen. 39).
When the Bible says that we must be faithful stewards of God's grace, it means that we must be diligent in distributing to God's household the gifts drawn from God's storehouse. God's household is the church. The household lives on the grace that God supplies. By this "grace" we usually mean the forgiving favor of God, the favor that saves and strengthens God's people. It comes to us through the Word and by the Spirit. And God has appointed stewards for bringing these heavenly supplies from the storehouses to the household.
But the storehouses of God are filled with grace in various forms—all kinds of gifts from God. Each member of the household gets one or two of these gifts, for which he or she must be a "steward."
In God's household, one person does not have access to all of God's gracious supplies. Each is a steward for "whatever gift you have received."
We might say that the household of God does not live on one meal cooked for all: God's children are fed by a potluck supper, where the varied gifts are carried in by each to the benefit of all.
We are told that each has received a gift. But since we are stewards, these gifts aren't really our own possessions. We are responsible to God for them. God wants the whole household of faith to benefit from what's entrusted to us. God's gifts of grace must flow on and on.
How can the gifts God has given you be used to benefit the household of faith?
This I think I want to leave open for discussion if you're willing to have them. I know we don't get much conversation on here, but I'd love to. For a quick response for me, God has given me the gift of singing and I've seen how God uses this for His glory in several circumstances. One thats coming to mind was when I sang in France with my friend Amber and even though most of the people may not have understood what we were saying because of the language barrier, those people still ask about us and were very taken back by the event. I hope to have more opportunities to do that, to be a blessing to the people and to make their day a little brighter. What about you? Let me know. Agape.
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