15 June 2010

Secret Fasting


" '... so that it will not be obvious to others that you are fasting, but only to your Father, who is unseen....' " —Matthew 6:18

Bible Reading

MATTHEW 6:16-18


You don't hear much about fasting these days, except from those who are on a diet. People on a diet fast for health reasons or perhaps in order to be seen by others.

Other forms of fasting are intended as a protest against injustice. The avowed purpose is publicity. Secrecy would spoil it. This fasting has no religious goal.

In the Old Testament, God prescribed fasting for a few occasions. But in the New Testament period, we are not bound by these "ceremonial laws." Nevertheless, fasting did play a role in the life of Jesus and in the religious experience of the early church. The Bible always assumes that those who take their relationship to God seriously will fast in some form.

Fasting is the denial of legitimate things for the purpose of religious concentration. The Bible does not prescribe it, and churches may not prescribe it. If it is not done voluntarily and without attracting attention, it loses its value.

There is always reason in the church to warn against asceticism. Watch out whenever people are afraid to enjoy what God has given us to enjoy. The gospel of grace may be in danger.

But there is also reason to warn against a spiritual laziness, an obesity and sluggishness that can afflict Christians. Christians on the North American continent are too preoccupied with food and drink and clothes; they are too much distracted by sports and games and all their "recreation." We must deny the temporary gifts voluntarily in order to be richer in faith and hope and love.

Nobody may ask for anything beyond what the Lord has commanded. But in a time of indulgence there is reason to suggest that we receive too little from heaven because we give up too little on earth.


Have you ever considered fasting as a spiritual discipline? Why or why not?


I honestly do not know much about this topic and have been stirred to read into it a bit more. I have fasted before but I don't know if I was doing it for proper reasons, nor do I think I truly got the full experience of it. Not that I'm looking for signs and alarms to go off saying "GOOD JOB! YOU DID IT!" but, my heart wasn't focused in the right spot, nor was my mind set on the power of God. However, I do believe that we should fast as a spiritual discipline. Its up to you if you do so or not, but as the scriptures encourage it, I think its something we should put into action. If I do recall, in the Bible, when people fasted and prayed, there was spiritual awakening and/or spiritual change and physical change in areas of peoples lives/livelihood. Something to think about and look into a bit more. How about you? Do you fast as a spiritual discipline? Why? Why Not? Would you consider doing it? Things to think about. Love you, all.

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