30 June 2010



" 'This is to my Father's glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples.' " —John 15:8

Bible Reading

JOHN 15:1-11


Think of an orchard or vineyard. The owner arrives to look for fruit, because that's the main interest of the fruit farmer. Lots of fruit makes the owner happy; it says that he is a good farmer. When there is no fruit, the owner trims back the branches with a pruning knife. If there is still no fruit, he cuts branches off.

Being fruit is, of course, a figure of speech when applied to people. Just as a fruit farmer works on his trees, God, the Owner of the orchard, works on people. God's aim is to harvest as much fruit as possible. He uses the knife only to get a richer yield. Only if no fruit appears after all this work does God cut the branch away. To be cut off means that God no longer tolerates you as someone who belongs to the people of God.

We cannot bear fruit unless we belong to Jesus. "Apart from me you can do nothing." Only when God's grace is known to us and God's Spirit is in us can we do works that God approves. These works are the fruits that please the Father.

We bear fruit when we suffer without growing bitter, when we do good deeds without taking credit, when we obey even if it is costly, when we confess Jesus even if it makes us unpopular, when we follow Christ even when he leads us where we do not choose to go.

Bearing fruit is impossible for those who are outside of Christ. But it is nothing spectacular for those who have received new life from Jesus. When a Christian fails to bear fruit, something has gone wrong, and it's time for serious self-examination.

God does not work in vain. When God has sent this powerful grace that changes our lives, God will also reap the fruits he has caused to grow.

An old catechism says that it is impossible for those who are implanted into Christ by a true faith not to bring forth fruits of thankfulness.


When God looks at you, what fruit does he see?


When God looks at me, what fruit does He see... what a question. It was difficult for me to answer. Not because theres nothing to say, but because I don't look at the things I do as fruit, I just see them as doing what I'm supposed to do. I guess thats part of it. "Bearing fruit...it is nothing spectacular for those who have received new life from Jesus." After thinking about it and discussing it with my husband, he reminded me that the fruit of the Spirit is love, and I do know that I have a huge capacity to love. I'm also diligent in my studies and wanting to do things rightly in the sight of the Lord (church, fellowship, see my friends and loved ones saved and not living lives that may be compromised). I long for integrity among the body of Christ and I desire that integrity in myself as well. What do you think is the fruit that God see's in you? Grace&Peace.

29 June 2010

Indwelling Grace


"Jesus replied, 'Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching. My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them.' " —John 14:23

Bible Reading

JOHN 14:18-24


To love Jesus means to obey him: "Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching." Love for Christ, like love in marriage, is a very practical thing. It consists not of speeches but of deeds. Or, if speeches are called for, they are tolerable only if they are consistent with actions.

A person who is attached to Christ in this way of love-through-obedience experiences the grace of God ever more richly in her life. She feels a continual trust in God's grace. In fact, God lives in her!

We learn to think of God in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We think of God in that way because that's how the Bible reveals the one eternal God. We think of God the Father as the One above us, as the creator and ruler. We think of God the Son as the One who is for us, the mediator. We think of the God the Holy Spirit as the One who is in us.

However, the three are one, because there is only one true God. And although the Bible teaches (usually) that it is the Holy Spirit who comes to live in us when we receive the grace of God, here Jesus says, "We—the Father and I—will make our home with them."

The everlasting God makes his dwelling place in us if we love Jesus Christ. The thought is so rich that it almost scares us.

The almighty God, who once lived in a golden temple so that his people could come to him, has now chosen to live in my fellow believers and in me. What grace! And what a noble obligation! Now we are the place where people must find God.

This teaching states once and for all the deepest reason why grace must flow through us to others, once we have believed in Jesus.


"The everlasting God makes his dwelling place in us if we love Jesus Christ." Think on that stunning truth and its implications for your life.


Our daily lives are to be honoring to God and bring glory to His name. The King of kings saved us, brought us into His family and we are to honor Him by following in His footsteps, living lives according to His will, teaching those around us of His love and of the great things He has and does and will do. Our lives are no longer our own, once we have the Spirit of God in our hearts, living in us and guiding us to do God's work while we still remain on this earth. The Bible is our compass and the Spirit of God is our guide and our comforter. The work may not always be easy, but God's promised to help us, that He cares for us and that He has given us the most important thing ever. Salvation. To know that God has made his dwelling place in us if we love Jesus Christ is a huge thing to grasp. We have some big work ahead of us if He is in our heart. Some days I feel silly and unneeded but thankfully, God reminds me daily that even the smallest work I do for Him are not small in His eyes. He enjoys me, He loves me, He has given me His spirit to go with me wherever I tread. What an amazing God we serve! Amen!

28 June 2010

Supplied and Supplying


" 'Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them.' " —John 7:38

Bible Reading

JOHN 7:37-39


This is the promise of Jesus and the experience of thousands: thirst is satisfied when you believe in Jesus.

All of us are born thirsty. And all of us go through life trying to satisfy our thirst. Some try to satisfy their thirst by vulgar means, while others try more refined and cultural means. People try money and what it can buy, power and what it will yield, and sexual satisfaction in many forms.

But there is no thing and no person in this world that can fill the vacuum and quench the thirst. The longed-for possession does not supply what it was expected to give. A man cannot give it to a woman, and a wife cannot satisfy her husband's deepest desire. We were created for God. Only in God can we find what we seek—what all of us seek.

Jesus has come into our world to bring us the water of life. Pagans dreamed of such a man. The thirst is universal; everybody dreams of fulfillment, which is always beyond our horizon. The Jewish people were hoping for such a liberator who would fulfill the longing of the ages. Jesus has come to bring us the water of life.

Drinking what Jesus offers means believing what he claims to be. That's the humble act by which we bow down and drink the water.

Then we find that he not only satisfies our thirst but also gives us life within ourselves. Where there was first a vacuum we receive a power. The Bible calls it "living water from within." It means that those who came to Jesus to have their own thirst quenched are now able to offer the living water to others. The objects of God's grace become his vehicles of grace.

The grace, or the life, or the Spirit of God, quenches our deepest thirst. Only it—only God—can enter deeply within us and turn our thirst into a fountain. Then God works through us and extends the cup to thou sands who are dying.


What is your "deepest thirst"? How can God satisfy it? Has he satisfied it?


I am using this as a place holder. I will fill in my thoughts on this blog tomorrow. In the mean time, if you want to talk about it, feel free to start up some conversation - those of you who read this. Grace&Peace.

The Spreading Flame


"He proclaimed the kingdom of God and taught about the Lord Jesus Christ—with all boldness and without hindrance!" —Acts 28:31

Bible Reading

ACTS 28:17-24


From Jerusalem to Rome—that's the story of the book of Acts. It begins in Jerusalem, where the flame was lit. At the end of the book, the fire is spreading through the capital of the empire.

The last few lines of the book give us the information that Paul lived for two whole years in the city of Rome at his own expense. But these closing lines have a message that goes beyond this information.

First, the content of the message is restated here. The message concerns the "kingdom of God." This was originally a Jewish hope. The oppressed looked forward to the coming of the Lord to overthrow the foreign rulers and establish the righteousness of his kingdom on earth. The hope for that kingdom was kept alive by the prophets in the darkest hours of Israel's history. Now Paul preaches that kingdom as having come in Jesus.

That's why the phrase proclaiming the kingdom is joined with teaching about the Lord Jesus Christ. The kingdom is no longer a vague and future hope. The kingdom is opened and can be entered by believing in Jesus, who is the Messiah and the Lord. By believing in him we enter it.

Preaching the kingdom and teaching about Jesus are not two unrelated topics on the church's agenda—as if you have to go to a prophecy conference to hear about the kingdom and to a revival meeting to learn of Jesus. The kingdom is proclaimed when Jesus is presented. And when Christ is presented, the kingdom is opened.

Second, the last lines of Acts tell us about the triumph of the Word of God. Paul preached and taught "with all boldness and without hindrance." What a closing note of victory! The Word goes on. It conquers the world for the kingdom.

The greatest thing happening today is the coming of God's kingdom and the teaching about the Lord Jesus Christ.


Use the Heidelberg Catechism's explanation of what we mean when we pray your kingdom come (Answer 123) as your prayer today: "Rule us by your Word and Spirit in such a way that more and more we submit to you. Keep your church strong, and add to it. Destroy the devil's work; destroy every force which revolts against you and every conspiracy against your Word. Do this until your kingdom is so complete and perfect, that in it you are all in all."


What do you think of this? I need to read it a few more times I think. Grace&Peace.

27 June 2010

Content and Package


" 'Now I commit you to God and to the word of his grace.... I have not coveted anyone's silver or gold or clothing.' " —Acts 20:32-33

Bible Reading

ACTS 20:28-38


Many pastors who leave a church have borrowed these words of the apostle Paul for a farewell speech or sermon: "Now I commit you to God and to the word of his grace." But there aren't many who have stressed the words that follow this text: "I have not coveted anyone's silver or gold or clothing. You yourselves know that these hands of mine have supplied my own needs and the needs of my companions."

It would be a shame for a regular congregation not to provide a living for its pastor. Paul himself was used by God to lay down some rules in that respect. The fact remains, however, that there is a close relationship between the message and the behavior of the person by whom it is presented. If we tell people that God cares for them while it is obvious that we couldn't care less, the message becomes unbelievable.

There are plenty of religious racketeers in North America. They must be exposed and rejected, for they dishonor the church of God. They don't care for the sheep; they want to fleece them.

You and I are the packages in which the grace of God is presented to people. We will always be inclined to say, "Please don't judge the content by the package." We don't call people to the church of Christ because we are so good but because Christ is so good.

Nevertheless, we must watch out that we don't resemble the Pharisees of whom Jesus said that you should listen to their words but not act according to their deeds. We have plenty of right to say that we carry the treasure of the kingdom in the earthly vessels of our present lives. But God's Spirit is powerful enough to show more of Christ through more of us.

The Spirit will give us so much grace that our total behavior supports the whole of the message.


How do you react to being "the package in which the grace of God is presented to people"? Ask for a rich measure of God's grace so that more of Christ is seen through us, his people.


Not much I can say that I haven't said recently. Let me know your feelings. Grace&Peace.

All Of The Message


" 'Therefore, I declare to you today that I am innocent of the blood of everyone. For I have not hesitated to proclaim to you the whole will of God.' " —Acts 20:26-27

Bible Reading

ACTS 20:17-27


When God says to a wicked person, "You will surely die," but God's prophet fails to pass that warning along to him or her, the prophet will be guilty. "Those wicked people will die for their sins, and I will hold you accountable for their blood." This is what God said in Ezekiel 3:18-21.

God loves sinners so much that he wants them to be converted. He does not want sinners to die.

Some ugly rumors say that God kills people by throwing them into hell. But the biblical truth is that people themselves are hell-bent and self-destructive. And God will do anything to prevent people from killing themselves. He even went so far as to send his own Son to his death in order to save those who hate God! Moreover, God has warned his people, his church, and their pastors that he will punish them if they don't get his message out to all runaway sheep.

The Christian church is not sufficiently aware of its responsibility. It does not remind itself often enough that God requires the blood of those who perish from those who fail to speak. New Testament messengers may not forget this Old Testament warning. Paul did not forget it.

"I am innocent of the blood of everyone," said Paul, "for I have not hesitated to proclaim to you the whole will of God." By the "whole will of God," he means all of God's revelation. He has not watered down the truth, and he has not been one-sided. When we present half-truths, we aren't doing God any honor, and we aren't doing people a favor.

If you have a remedy against cancer while cancer patients are dying all around you, you are guilty of murder because you didn't help. It's no excuse to say that you were always kind to the dying. You did not show the one kindness that was really important. You withheld what could have saved them.

It is difficult and embarrassing to warn people of dangers they don't see. But it must be done. Those who despise the Son of God's love will perish.


Review how your congregation attempts to reach out to nonbelievers in the community. Pray earnestly and regularly for God's blessing on these outreach efforts.


I am reminded of how important it is for us to spread the true and full Gospel of God. We are reminded of this in these scriptures and I think the devotion above explains it greatly. "The Christian church is not sufficiently aware of its responsibility. It does not remind itself often enough that God requires the blood of those who perish from those who fail to speak." If you have noticed, a common theme in the blogs and in what I say after the devotions is to preach the Gospel. That we are no better than any person on this earth and that we all come from the same fallen state.

The difference between the body of Christ and the world is our Salvation. It doesn't mean that we're more special or deserved any sort of special treatment. We need to remember that and not take our Salvation for granted. Too often, the body of Christ - the Church, fails at spreading the Good News, fails at showing the love of Christ, fails at going out and preaching to the nations. Remember, I do not speak of things in a legalistic manner, I speak of them as what they are, God's given road for His children thats been laid out for us in the Word.

Something that I often take a lot of heat for is my strong desire for the people of God to grasp onto and understand the importance of sound doctrine. Too often I'm told that in the long run, its all about Love and we have to show love to those who are lost. That if we focus too much on "knowledge" then I'll discard love. But lets reread the scripture reading for today: " 'Therefore, I declare to you today that I am innocent of the blood of everyone. For I have not hesitated to proclaim to you the whole will of God.' " —Acts 20:26-27 Its not enough to just say "God loves you and sent His son to die for your sins." That is only PART of the Gospel, but we are called to give the full truth. We aren't doing God any favor by presenting half truths.

Now, don't get me wrong, I know that debates and conversation on theology and doctrine can sometimes seem or even sway to the side of just "head knowledge". But from my standpoint, as the body of Christ, we should discuss these things to encourage and build one another up in the Faith. To grow in areas we never knew needed growth. And I can't say that I'm not guilty for not preaching the whole truth in the past. I've done dis-service to God and for that I am guilty. But thank God I'm covered in grace and I am continually learning from my mistakes. There have been situations where I have not given the whole truth. Maybe it was out of fear or maybe it was out of ignorance. But I will press on and move forward in the grace I've graciously been given and hope to show that grace to those around me.

We need to remember as we walk in our lives as conduits to the work of our Lord, that we have been given life everlasting and we need to walk in that truth. We have been reminded to spread the Gospel to all and not leave out parts. To give the full counsel of God, not just part. Lets not take this lightly.

I didn't discuss how my congregation attempts to reach out to those in the community but I'll do so now. I just wanted to focus on the importance of knowing and stating the full truth of God. My congregation out here in Maryland is apart of the OPC. Orthodox Presbyterian Church. Its a small denomination with a huge focus on getting the truth out to the world. They are very big on church plants and making sure there are churches with sound teaching in all areas. The church that I attend personally does work out in the community. They do church services at Nursing Homes, they do work out in Ocean City in Maryland and New Jersey, and they also support missionaries in different countries. They also welcome any who are looking to come to the church and hear the good news that is preached every week from the pulpit. Just a little glimpse.

What about your congregation? I ask like I don't know what Crossweave does, which is the church a majority of those of you who read this, attend. But lay it out there, its encouraging to hear what other churches are doing around the world. Grace&Peace.

24 June 2010

Grace Through A Seamstress


"She was always doing good and helping the poor." —Acts 9:36

Bible Reading

ACTS 9:36-43


The community of Christ does not make a big distinction between material and spiritual services. Both come from the divine source, and both aim at God's glory. It's all spiritual service, for one Spirit uses both.

The responsibility for mutual assistance is not limited to the officials of the church. All those who are reached by God's grace must be used to make God's grace flow.

Our gifts are not equal, and our usefulness is not the same. Dorcas was a woman who had the gift of helping—in the greatest possible measure. She was "always doing good and helping the poor." She was not one to content herself with making a thing or two for a needy person now and then. No, doing good works was a way of life for her. She was "full" of good works, as one Bible version puts it.

What a blessed woman! When we think of the many widows who exhibited the fruits of her love (the hats, the shawls, the dresses), we see a picture of a thank offering richer than the showbread that was lifted up to God in the tabernacle of the old covenant. These are the humble and honest thank offerings in the new temple.

The Christian church has a strong tradition of devoting a few hours of the first day of the week to the ministry of the Word and the service of prayer. Why don't we establish an equally strong custom of setting aside part of that day for the ministry of "doing good and helping the poor"? We would not want to limit the performance of such deeds to Sunday. Works of charity can be done at any time. But things that can be done at any time tend to be done at no time.

We thank the God of grace for all the quiet people who faithfully perform acts of love and mercy. We thank God for the grace that shows through the activity of their hands. And we trust that God will raise them up to live with him forever.


Name some people in your congregation who faithfully and quietly perform acts of love and mercy. Give thanks for "the grace that shows through the activity of their hands."


Well if you're reading this, chances are you know that this started out as a blog for the women at Crossweave, my old home church in California. So when I name the Carbajal family as those who faithfully and quietly perform acts of love and mercy, it will most likely come as no surprise. Also, Michelle Mhyro is another person who longs to do good things for those around her, at all times. Those are a few people who stand out in my mind. Of course there are more, but I just wanted to name a few. What do you all think? Grace&Peace.

23 June 2010

Waiting On Tables


"Choose seven men from among you who are known to be filled with the Spirit and wisdom. We will turn this responsibility over to them...." —Acts 6:3

Bible Reading

ACTS 6:1-7


Since the Christian community is united in heart and mind, it shares its possessions. That's how it started. Times may change, but the norm remains.

The members of a congregation must always have a common confession and a united song because they are one in heart and mind. And they must always have their offering plates, budget envelopes, money drives, and all the rest, for their attitudes toward possessions have been sanctified by the Spirit of God.

In the earliest Christian church, the one in Jerusalem, the resources of the congregation were pooled and "daily distributions" were made. The seven men who were appointed to "wait on tables" had to see to it that nobody was forgotten. Even if only one was in need, all would be at fault.

Situations have changed considerably. Some things have changed for the better. The position of widows, for instance, has vastly improved. It's true that they still deserve special attention because they receive the Lord's special concern, but they aren't as dependent anymore as they used to be. Other things have not changed for the better. Some Christians have too much and give too little.

The basic principles that governed the earliest church must be upheld today. By the ministry of the Word, the doors of the kingdom are opened. By the ministry of prayer, the power of God's grace is released. And through the distribution of tangible goods, grace flows between Christian people.

This last part of the threefold ministry is as essential as the first two. Offerings must be received, carefully administered, and properly distributed.

The congregation must always see to it that people who are "full of the Spirit and wisdom" are busy making sure that the flow of grace among God's people is not blocked.


Review some of the ways your congregation uses its offerings to benefit others.


At my church, the congregation offerings go to help the pastor and the facilitating of the ministry at church. It also goes to help missionaries in different countries, church plants the like. They also offer help to the members of the church if they are in need. The flow of grace is continual through the giving's of the church. Its so important to do these things, as God has instituted these roles for us to fill. Let us be open and willing to give and to not be blockers of the flow of Grace.

I want to apologize for the small updates on here. Not excusing myself, but I've been very tired and have had very little energy as of late. I think I'm just a bit overwhelmed at work so if you could pray for me, I'd love to write more about what I think and have the energy to devote a good amount of time to this. Much Love to you all. Grace&Peace, to you!

22 June 2010

The Wrong Fidelity


"Peter said to her, 'How could you conspire to test the Spirit of the Lord?' " —Acts 5:9

Bible Reading

ACTS 5:1-11


This early death penalty for a lie in the Christian community must serve as a lasting deterrent: we who live by God's grace, who form the temple of the Holy One, must not carry anything unclean into God's presence. The Spirit guards the temple that was cleansed by grace.

The sin of Ananias and Sapphira was of minor proportions, as we measure sin. It was not greed. They made a big donation (which they didn't have to do), but they made it look bigger than it really was. They lied and thereby detracted from the honor of God. Husband and wife both agreed to the deed. Although Sapphira had a separate chance to confess, she stuck to her husband in sin and shared his punishment.

We must love the truth more than our wives or husbands or anyone else. There are moments when one person has to say to the other: "No, honey, we can't do that."

Too many are more loyal to a person they love than to the truth. The law recognizes this—that's why husbands and wives are disqualified as witnesses in court in a case that involves either one of them. They would protect each other anyway.

Children learn that too. When the telephone rings and Dad says, *If that's Mr. Jones, I'm not home," junior will say, "Sorry, Mr. Jones, my dad is not home." He is loyal to his dad. Together they lie.

God wants us to be more faithful to the truth than to bonds of family or friendship. If you really love your family or friends, you will do all you can to keep them from sinning.

We should have so much love for each other that we can muster the courage to keep each other from sinning.

For the sake of keeping peace, some have conspired to "test the Spirit of the Lord." Don't do it! It's better to risk a fight in the family than a battle with God.


What happens in our relationships if we put ties with family or friends before the truth?


"It's better to risk a fight in the family than to battle with God." This has made me feel so much better for some of the disputes I've had with family and friends regarding truth and holding to it. When we put friendships and relationships before the truth, we are not trusting God and we are saying we know better than He does. Unfortunately, its not easy to stand up against family and friends. I've done it and friendships have been tainted because of it. But we need to remember that God is in control and when He shows us truth or His word shows us truth and someone we know is living contrary to it, it is our duty to say something and stand up for the truth. What do you think? Grace&Peace.

21 June 2010

Grace Unites


"All the believers were one in heart and mind. No one claimed that any of their possessions was their own, but they shared everything they had. —Acts 4:32

Bible Reading

ACTS 4:32-37


The Holy Spirit is the sum total of the grace God gives to us when we believe in Jesus. All the riches of Christ—forgiveness, renewal, the pledge of the future, yes, the love of the Father himself—are poured into our hearts when we receive the Spirit.

And this grace must flow from one person to another. The Spirit immediately unites us with those who are in Christ and urges us to communicate the gospel to those who are outside of Christ. These are not only commandments given to the new community of believers, they are pressures that come from within. This is how the Spirit's own nature is revealed.

The early Christians were "one in heart and mind." They had been radically renewed and united.

"They shared everything they had." The natural attitude toward earthly possessions was changed by the coming of the Spirit. It was no dictator's rule to the effect that all that's yours is mine. No, it was pressure from within that made them say, "All that's mine is yours."

The Christian community's way of life is not the same at all times and places. It changes. There's nothing wrong with the changes, although some Christian groups appear to be frightened by them. Countless leaders have tried to stop the clock or even set it back. That's not only silly, it's sinful. It's an insult to think that the Holy Spirit can work in us only if we arrange for an agrarian setting on a communal farm.

God himself is in control of the world and the changes in society. God works in today's church with the same power he has always used. All who have the Spirit are one in heart and mind. And all who are possessed by him change their attitudes toward earthly possessions. They learn to put the fellowship first.


How have you experienced "the community of saints" and the fellowship of believers?


I think we are experiencing "the community of saints" and the fellowship of believers right now through this blog. Those of you who read, even if you don't participate in conversation, we're all communed together, reading the Word and gleaning from what explained. Its really encouraging to be united in the salvation of our Lord! What a blessing it is! Also, at church on Sundays, we're communing with the saints!

My favorite time of communion with the saints is when I'm in Hong Kong. We'll be doing work and meeting fellow brothers and sisters of the faith, from different denominations, from different states, countries, backgrounds - but we can fellowship in the unity that is Christ and the working of the Holy Spirit. Praise God for His amazing ability to bring us together! I've said this several times in the past but - we have been shown grace. The same grace that saved us is the same grace that saved other believers. We were given faith, Jesus died the same death - there is no room for selfishness when Grace is present. When we are saved, we're brought into a family that is for eternity! That kind of security is amazing.

Let me encourage you, if you are not meeting weekly with fellow believers, going to church I mean, please attend. You will be blessed for doing so. The Bible says to not forsake the fellowship of the body. Let me leave you with this scripture which is talking about the full assurance of faith. "And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near." - Hebrew 10:24-25 Think about that, meet with the believers and commune with them. Grace Unites! Agape.

20 June 2010

Grace Descends


"All of you, clothe yourselves with humility toward one another, because, 'God opposes the proud but shows favor [grace] to the humble and oppressed.' " —1 Peter 5:5

Bible Reading

1 PETER 5:1-5


Grace, like water, runs to low places. The deeper you bow, the more you receive. But for those who live in high places, it's hard to get.

Throughout the Bible we read that God scatters the arrogant and sends the rich away but fills the hungry and exalts the lowly. The prayer of the humble one is the only window through which the grace of God can shine.

However, we must practice humility not only before God but also toward one another. "All of you, clothe yourselves with humility toward one another."

Humility is not a gesture that we make now and then. It is a garment in which we are clothed for the duration of our pilgrimage.

In this respect the Christian community presents the greatest possible contrast with worldly society. Christians don't climb over each other; they bow down to each other. They don't envy each other; they rejoice with each other.

And those Christians who have been appointed as shepherds over God's flock should remind each other not to behave like successful executives in a worldly business. Together they are little shepherds or pastors who are awaiting the return of the chief Shepherd, to whom the flock belongs. When he comes, they will get their promotion—no sooner.

The chief Shepherd himself lived and died in service. He humbled himself to the depths of our shame. And only after he had finished it all was he crowned with glory. The people of God must live and work on earth in the shadow of his cross until the day of coronation.

It is Christ's custom to lift only those who are low and to give crowns only to those who have been bearing a cross. Therefore we must remain uncrowned in this life. And we must live in places low enough for grace to reach us.


"Christians don't climb over each other; they bow down to each other." How do you (could you) "bow" to other Christians?


Humility and Grace go hand in hand. As we have been studying, God requires a humble and contrite spirit. When we think ourselves too proud, we forget what we truly are, and thats wretched sinners deserving of death for eternity. But Grace. When we receive grace through faith, we are given the most important and most valuable thing we will ever have, Salvation. So why is it that we so often want more fame, more "stuff", more recognition for our good deeds? We are encouraged by Paul in Philippians 4:10-13, to be content in all situations. It is something that is learned over time and to learn something like that, it takes a lot of humility. Its a discipline and its something that we need to remember in our day to day lives.

We are no better than any other person and we should be seeking to look more and more like Christ. Christ humbled Himself, the greatest form of humility, in order to pay retribution on the behalf of His elect. So we ought to remember to be humble in our lives, towards those around us, toward our fellow brothers and sisters. For example, I show grace to fellow believers by not biting their heads off when they do something to make me angry. I also know that I need to show grace to those who do NOT show me grace. I need to remember to be humble and to care for those around me, as God cares about them. Our lives should be aimed to reflect the love and humility of Jesus Christ and it should aim to bring glory and praise to His name. We do that by being humble, by showing grace, by being imitators and doers of the word. Grace&Peace to you.

19 June 2010

Stewards of Grace


"Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God's grace in its various forms." —1 Peter 4:10

Bible Reading

1 PETER 4:7-11


A steward, in Bible times, was someone to whom the master had entrusted the care of his household and business. Often the steward was appointed because the master had to be away for an extended period of time. But even when the master was around, he might appoint a trusted slave as a steward. The steward was in charge of the supplies. He had to feed the household from his master's stores. Joseph had that kind of job in the house of Potiphar (Gen. 39).

When the Bible says that we must be faithful stewards of God's grace, it means that we must be diligent in distributing to God's household the gifts drawn from God's storehouse. God's household is the church. The household lives on the grace that God supplies. By this "grace" we usually mean the forgiving favor of God, the favor that saves and strengthens God's people. It comes to us through the Word and by the Spirit. And God has appointed stewards for bringing these heavenly supplies from the storehouses to the household.

But the storehouses of God are filled with grace in various forms—all kinds of gifts from God. Each member of the household gets one or two of these gifts, for which he or she must be a "steward."

In God's household, one person does not have access to all of God's gracious supplies. Each is a steward for "whatever gift you have received."

We might say that the household of God does not live on one meal cooked for all: God's children are fed by a potluck supper, where the varied gifts are carried in by each to the benefit of all.

We are told that each has received a gift. But since we are stewards, these gifts aren't really our own possessions. We are responsible to God for them. God wants the whole household of faith to benefit from what's entrusted to us. God's gifts of grace must flow on and on.


How can the gifts God has given you be used to benefit the household of faith?


This I think I want to leave open for discussion if you're willing to have them. I know we don't get much conversation on here, but I'd love to. For a quick response for me, God has given me the gift of singing and I've seen how God uses this for His glory in several circumstances. One thats coming to mind was when I sang in France with my friend Amber and even though most of the people may not have understood what we were saying because of the language barrier, those people still ask about us and were very taken back by the event. I hope to have more opportunities to do that, to be a blessing to the people and to make their day a little brighter. What about you? Let me know. Agape.

Stick Your Neck Out


"Who is going to harm you if you are eager to do good?" —1 Peter 3:13

Bible Reading

1 PETER 3:13-17


The grace of God makes us quiet and modest, but also passionate for what is right. God's grace restrains us from being loud and self-assertive. But God's Spirit does give us a zeal for righteousness.

Christians must have strong convictions about right and wrong. For us it is not enough to hold the opinion that crime does not pay. That's TV morality. We must be deeply persuaded that righteousness pays everlasting dividends.

When you believe in God, you must dare to stick out your neck for what is right. Whatever is right and true and good comes from God. Therefore the pursuit of righteousness, truth, and goodness is from God. It is carried on through God, and it leads to God. Why be timid if you walk in the way of God himself?

Some kids keep mum when crimes are committed in school. They are nice kids. They believe that crime doesn't pay. But they don't believe that righteousness pays either.

There are still plenty of "good citizens" who do not participate in crime. But they don't believe it is their business to start a crusade for righteousness either.

The lukewarm attitude of decent but unbelieving citizens is understandable. Their main concern, after all, is to mind their own business. That's the scope of their calling. But Christians are cut out of a different cloth. We have been addressed by God. He has laid his hand on us. He has put his Spirit in us. If we are ever lukewarm about right and wrong, truth and falsehood, we are denying our Lord.

God wants and creates people who do right for no other reason than that it is right. And if we are hurt while we are doing right, we are not really harmed. The only time we suffer real evil is when we do evil or refuse to do right.


What might "sticking your neck out for God" look like at work? At a game? At school? With your friends?


Several times I've had to "stick my neck out for God." It hasn't been easy and its cost me friendships and it has also caused me to have a poor grade in a class before. There was a time in High School that I can think of very clearly when I did what was right and got in trouble for it. Granted, I was not the ideal student, I caused a fair amount of strife in some of my teachers lives, as I used to be quite unruly. Once I realized what life was really about (it was not about me, it was about living for Christ), I started to stand up more openly about what I believed in.

In High School, I was hanging out with a friend of mine, who was notorious for hating Christians and anyone who said they believed in God. She didn't realize I did because at that time, I was not walking closely with the Lord and I hid my light under a bushel, if you will. So one day, I finally just asked her, what she would think if I told her I was a Christian, and she stopped in her tracks and said, we couldn't hang out anymore. I told her, well I guess we should part ways because I can't deny it, I am a Christian. We were still civil after that and she didn't hold any sort of animosity towards me, she just chose not to hang out with me.

Another time, in High School, I was doing a paper on Abortion and how its wrong and not just for religious sakes. I carefully wrote out my 6 page report and made everything as it should be. It had footnotes, quotes, statistics, personal thoughts, appeal to the reader, etc. I got a D on my report. When I went to my teacher she said that my paper did not have any fact to it, that it was all hearsay and biased opinion. I sat down with her and showed her my research and how it was not just from Pro-Life organizations, some things were from Planned Parenthood themselves - she raised my grade to a C but wouldn't budge. She said, I shouldn't have chosen this topic but since part of the grade was reading it in front of the class, I had a huge conviction that I needed to cover the topic. It was relevant to our age group and not many people hear a clear and concise argument against abortion in school. It was a few days after the class where someone told me that they had changed their minds about abortion and realized how wrong it was, just from my paper. God blessed my struggles and gave me a more rewarding end to a stressful situation.

God has given us the Holy Spirit to be with us until we are called into Glory. Why would we not live with boldness? If God is for us who can be against us? We cannot live our lives afraid of not being politically correct. We have to stand up for what it true and right. God grows our hearts and our desires to match His and He is passionate and seeks truth and righteousness, so we should be seeking the same thing. Its something I am constantly being reminded of, as I plan to do missions work the rest of my life. Whether it be transporting goods into China or simply being a Native English Teacher with the ability to express my beliefs in certain circumstances, I have been given the "green light" to do what is right and what is good. To stand up for what is true and what is right. I pray that we will seek God and ask for boldness in our walk with Him and that we will not stand down against those that will seek to disprove truth. Grace&Peace.