22 October 2009

Now What!

It just dawned on me that a year ago I started writing in this journal and went through the devotional book "Faith's Checkbook" by Charles H. Spurgeon. We have come full circle and I'm wondering, where do we go from here. Although there were no discussions on the blog, I hope those of you who were diligent to read what I wrote, gained a better understanding of the importance of doctrine, the importance of God's grace, God's election, God's provision, God's power and God's promises. There were many more topics brought up over the past year, those are just a few that I named.

What do you think we should do next? I will joyfully continue on with this blog - I just need to figure out which book we should go through next. These are the people I'm thinking of finding a book by that we could go through: John Piper, John Calvin, Martin Luther, J.C. Ryle, or Mark Driscoll. I'm leaning towards J.C. Ryle or John Calvin, so I'm going to look through some books and see what I find. Let me know if you have any preference or ideas. Love you all and thank you to those who read with me and learned with me. I was truly blessed to go through C.H. Spurgeon's book and definitely gleaned a lot from the scriptures and the insight he provided. Agape.

1 comment:

Oppenheim said...


It would be wonderful to see you go through Calvin or J.C. Ryle!

Those would be my two preferences.

Hoping to go through this book with you as I sadly missed much of Faiths Checkbook, but was greatly blessed when I was following with you...
Yet, that was when we were in France together! Guess that means you have to tour out here again soon to get me back on track! ha!