28 March 2009

Lead the Way

Lead the Way, March 28
Author: Charles H. Spurgeon From the book: Faith's Checkbook

"The LORD shall make thee the head, and not the tail" - Deuteronomy 28:13

If we obey the LORD, He will compel our adversaries to see that His blessing rests upon us. Though this be a promise of the law, yet it stands good to the people of God; for Jesus has removed the curse, but He has established the blessing.

It is for saints to lead the way among men by holy influence: they are not to be the tail, to be dragged hither and thither by others. We must not yield to the spirit of the age, but compel the age to do homage to Christ. If the LORD be with us, we shalt not crave toleration for religion, but we shall seek to seat it on the throne of society. Has not the LORD Jesus made His people priests'' Surely they are to teach and must not be learners from the philosophies of unbelievers. Are we not in Christ made kings to reign upon the earth? How, then can we be the servants of custom, the slaves of human opinion?

Have you, dear friend, taken up your true position for Jesus? Too many are silent because diffident, if not cowardly. Should we allow the name of the LORD Jesus to be kept in the background? Should our religion drag along as a tails? Should it not rather lead the way and be the ruling force with ourselves and others?


How convicting! I pray this but not often enough apparently. I need to be praying for this DAILY! Lord, I pray that your word, your Gospel will be at the forefront of my mind each new day, from the moment when I wake up to the moment that I sleep. I pray that not only will it be on my mind but it will be on my lips, that my actions will be pleasing in your sight and I pray that you help me to pursue righteousness above everything else. I pray that you will do the same for these beautiful ladies that read the blog. I pray that you will be the Head of my life, that your example, your commands and guidance will be the head and that I will not allow it to fall to the tail. I don't want to be a slave to human opinion or a servant of custom. I want to be new and beautiful in your sight and I want to stand up for the things that matter, your love, your truth, your Gospel. Amen. Agape.

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