19 December 2008

Afflictions, but No Broken Bones

Afflictions, but No Broken Bones, December 19
Author: Charles H. Spurgeon From the book: Faith's Checkbook

"He keepeth all his bones; not one of them is broken." - Psalm 34:20

THIS promise by the context is referred to the much afflicted righteous man: "Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivereth him out of them all." He may suffer skin wounds and flesh wounds, but no great harm shall be done, "not a bone of him shall be broken."

This is a great comfort to a tried child of God, and comfort which I dare accept; for up to this hour I have offered no real damage from many afflictions. I have neither lost faith, nor hope, nor love. Nay, so far from losing these bones of character, they have gained in strength and energy. I have more knowledge, more experience, more patience, more stability than I had more the trials came. Not even my joy has been destroyed. Many a bruise have I had by sickness, bereavement, depression, slander, and opposition; but the bruise has healed, and there has been no compound fracture of a bone, not even a simple one. The reason is not far to seek. If we trust in the Lord, He keeps all our bones; and if He keeps them, we may be sure that not one of them is broken.

Come, my heart, do not sorrow Thou art smarting, but there are no bones broken. Endure hardness, and bid defiance to fear.


I can't even say anything to add to this. Other than knowing that trials will come and pass, but we are protected by the Lord God Almighty! We can endure the moments of trial and defy fear because we can rest in the shadows of the Lord! Amazing and so encouraging to me. Especially right now with Hong Kong coming up, lots going on. Wow! Amen!! Agape.

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