"For the grace of God has appeared . . . training us ... to live sober, upright, and godly lives in this world, awaiting our blessed hope...." —Titus 2:11-13, RSV
Bible Reading
We live between Christ's coming in grace and his coming in glory. These two great events, one past and the other future, determine the way in which we live "in this world."
The grace of God in Christ has appeared already. God's grace did not "appear" only to "disappear" again; it continues to instruct or train us in living. And the glory, although it has not yet appeared, is already attracting us. That's why it is called "our blessed hope."
The grace of God teaches us how to live in the present. It is "training us ... to live sober, upright, and godly lives in this world." The words sober, upright, and godly describe three aspects of our Christian behavior. Sober is a description of our personal ethics. Upright says how we behave in relation to our neighbors. And godly is a form of life that results from fellowship with God. None of these virtues is acquired by self-development. It is the "grace of God" that "trains" us to live in a sober, righteous, and godly manner in this present world.
Let's pay special attention to the word sober. The word recurs in this chapter (vv. 2, 4, 6, 12) and throughout the New Testament. Sober is the opposite of drunk or intoxicated. In this present world, everyone is in danger of becoming intoxicated by the things of this world. When we are sixteen, we are under the influence of different things and powers than when we are sixty. But the effect of the powers is equally intoxicating. Love, popularity, and possessions can make a person drunk.
We are trained, by the grace of God, to remain sober, that is, to retain a sense of direction in the midst of all the attractions, diversities, and adversities of the present world. The Spirit of Christ won't let us forget that we live our lives between the coming of grace and the coming of glory.
What does "sober" (in the sense used in this reading) look like in your life?
The words of this devotional echoed in my mind like a clanging cymbal. When the Scriptures read to live lives Sober, Upright and Godly - I never looked at it this specifically. I glanced over it and just assuming that I truly understood what those words meant. I guess in the long run I did, but I didn't purposefully read into this part of scripture. Let me tell you what I've learned from this devotional and the sermon our pastor preached this Sunday at my church, here in Maryland.
Sober. In the past, when I'd read this part of scripture - the first thing I assumed it was speaking of was staying away from getting drunk on strong drinks. After reading this devotional and reading it in the true context of the scriptures, I see its so much more than that. Yes, we are obviously to be sober and staying away from drunkenness. But we are also to refrain from becoming "intoxicated by the things of this world." The things in this world are looking to steal away from our personal journey with the Lord, looking to distract and fill us up with things that are meaningless drivel. For example: a few years back I was so overly obsessed with Football. I'd miss church, go to the bar at 10am and not leave until way past 6 or 7pm - just because I wanted to watch football and get rowdy with the other football fans. Now, don't get me wrong. There is nothing inherently evil with watching and enjoying football. In fact thats true for many of the extra-curricular activities one can participate in. But its when it becomes a distraction, a deterrent from your walk with the Lord, when it hinders your growth and desire to see things as Christ see's them, then its a problem. So whilst we're remaining sober from hard drink, we need to remain sober with the things that we become involved with in this world.
Upright. How we behave with our neighbors is so important. Our neighbors are not just fellow believers but also the unbelieving world as well. As Christians, we are to stand firm in the Lord and allow His way be the driving point in our lives and this should definitely spill over into how we interact with the world around us, with our neighbors. Our lives need to reflect Christ, our words should be seasoned with salt and prepared to speak the Gospel in and out of season. When working with the unbelieving neighbor, we should show the same kindness and love that Christ has shown us. We, who have the hope of Glory, should remember that although we have been given new life, we did nothing to deserve such hope. We should extend grace to our neighbors. Grace leaves no room for pride and arrogance. "Grace humbles pride" as our pastor said so eloquently this past Sunday. So while we show grace, the same grace that was bestowed upon us, we are living uprightly. When living uprightly with our believing neighbors, sometimes it can be even more trying to do so with them. But we are called to have brotherly love with one another as Paul called us to have in Philippians 4:1-4. That brotherly love should drive us to agree in the Lord - on the essentials of our faith. There is far greater reasons for Joy in Him then there will ever be for discord with one another.
Godly. Fellowship with our Lord is sweeter than the sweetest of honey and is the ONLY way we can live godly lives. In Philippians 4, Paul calls us to stand firm in the Lord. This is to live Godly and the only way to do that is by having true fellowship with the Lord! We need to meet the Lord in His word, specifically in the Gospels - Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. We can learn so much from the life of Christ. Also, when reading through the book of Acts, we can learn more about the Holy Spirit and its role in our lives as well, enlightening us and helping us to live Godly lives. We've been talking about the role of the Holy Spirit in our lives. How we need its staying power in our life. We need that every day so that we can live godly lives, a life pleasing to the Lord. To do that we must spend time with God and to have fellowship with our brothers and sisters in the faith. Paul urges us, the Church, to edify one another in the faith. Living a godly life is a long distance marathon that we are running - with the hope of Glory at the end. When we do this, it pleases the Lord.
What does Sober mean to me, in the sense used in this reading? I guess I already touched on that. To live a sober life for me is to live a life that is pleasing to the Lord. To live a life as peaceably as I can with my brothers and sisters in the Lord. To live a life that brings glory to God in the presence of unbeliever's and mine enemies. To live each day longing to sing praises to His name and spend time with Him each day. This should be the focus of my time each day. These things I need to be more diligent in. The extra stuff is okay, as we do have Christian Liberty, but having the proper balance is so important. Let us not put things in the place that Christ should be. I'm not trying to be legalistic, but take a good look at your life and see where we spend most of our time. I know my time is not spent as it should be. Lord, help me to live a life of sobriety in your eyes. Not only from physical drunkenness from strong drink, but to be diligent in following You and not allowing "things" in life to take your place. Amen.